Series Page

Stories in the series "A Spell of Rain"

# 1: A Spell of Rain Part 1

By: | DargonZine 11, Issue 5

The winds whipped around the tower, causing moans and whistles to sound through the rooms and down the stairwell. By the time they echoed their way to the room in the basement -- a room which was a foundation for the tower and study for an aspiring mage -- they had quieted to soft and eerie whispers of their former voice, as if not wanting to disturb the room's sole occupant. Jason paid them no heed as he sat hunched ... [ Read More ]

# 2: A Spell of Rain Part 2

By: | DargonZine 11, Issue 6

The netmender's new apprentice sat outside the shop to enjoy the cooling breeze on the balmy spring day. In the two months since Jason had shown up at the door -- not begging charity, but asking politely about apprenticeship -- Martin had not a bad word to say about the boy. From the outset, he had been diligent, hard working, polite, and a fast learner. He was much older than Martin would normally have thought of taking on, but he ... [ Read More ]

# 3: A Spell of Rain Part 3

By: | DargonZine 11, Issue 8

Martin arrived home with the first bell of evening. The rain now poured in a slow, steady deluge, and he looked forward to drying himself in the warmth of the kitchen. Letting himself into the darkened front room, he surmised that his apprentice must have gone out. He was almost at the rear of the shop before he noticed the boy sitting in the far corner of the room. The torch had long since burned out, and there was little ... [ Read More ]

# 4: Dargonzine 10-4 Editorial

By: | DargonZine 10, Issue 4

It wasn't quite Armageddon... but it *could have been*!   The 1997 Dargon Writers' Summit took place last month in Washington DC. Movers and shakers (we won't specify who was which) from all four corners of the planet gathered to talk writing, visit tremendous damage upon our nation's capital, and determine the fates of millions. And we got some pretty nifty tee shirts, as well!   The overall purpose of our Summits is to get our writers together and to build closer relationships between ... [ Read More ]

# 5: FSFNet 10-5 Editorial

By: | DargonZine F10, Issue 5

Greetings once again! Well, it's about time another couple issues of FSFnet were sent out. In this issue we have an excellent SF story by a very promising new author, John Sullivan; also the conclusion of Wendy's Dargon series, "Worthy of the Title", and an SF short story by Lori Spier. The next issue should follow closely on the heels of this one (if the queue between Yale and CUNY permits it), and will include a new story by Ron ... [ Read More ]

# 6: Consummate Love

By: | DargonZine F8, Issue 3

Levy trembled as he poled the raft closer into shore. The cedars towering above his head shaded what little sun the early winter provided, bringing a chill to Levy's body. The water soaking his pant cuffs was cold, as was the air. It wasn't the cold, so much, that was making Levy shiver, however, but nervousness. Finally, after almost five months, he was going to see Sarah again.   Levy still recalled that day in early summer when he had stood on ... [ Read More ]