Greetings once again! Well, it’s about time another couple issues of FSFnet were sent out. In this issue we have an excellent SF story by a very promising new author, John Sullivan; also the conclusion of Wendy’s Dargon series, “Worthy of the Title”, and an SF short story by Lori Spier. The next issue should follow closely on the heels of this one (if the queue between Yale and CUNY permits it), and will include a new story by Ron Meldrum and the conclusion of Carlo’s “Cydric” series. And there are several other stories currently in the works, and which I know are particularly interesting, and should be ready for printing very soon. In all, a huge quantity of very good fiction coming your way, enabling me to keep keep my editorials nice and short (under the pretense of not having enough room to waste on my own editorial ramblings and such).
So, without becoming particularly verbose about it, I’d like to say that it’s good to see you again, I hope you like the issue, and I hope it won’t be too long before I’ll see you again. Enjoy!
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