Welcome to Dargon


Welcome to Dargon! Dargon is a small, out of the way fiefdom of the Kingdom of Baranur, situated in the extreme northwest corner of the world. It's separated from the rest of the kingdom by a vast wood and a minor ... [Read more]

DargonZine , Issue


The fiction published in Dargonzine is set in a medieval world, without wide-scale mechanization or labor-saving devices or much in the way of technology. It is, instead, a world of magic, of sorcery, of mystery. Our world, on the other hand, is filled with technology, the likes of which would seem like magic to the denizens of our fictional world. The very publishing of the e-zine requires a degree of technological prowess, and involves the use of software and network broadcasting. One sort of technology that has been hitting the headlines of late, particularly in regard to the creation of works of fiction, is generative A.I. software. There is a lot of controversy swirling in the online forums, and hardly a day goes by without another dire headline about the havoc this software seems sure to create. As such, I ...[Read more]