DargonZine F7, Issue 5

FSFNet 7-5 Editorial


Well, as opposed other recent issues, we actually have a rather significant amount of news. Firstly, I’ve taken the plunge and bought myself a new Amiga 1000 personal computer. Very nice. But that’s really not FSFnet material, now, is it?


The big news is that after some consideration and deliberation with the Dargon authors, it has been decided that in the near future subscriptions to FSFnet will be available via standard non-electronic mail. This policy will enable persons with no network access to get the zine, and permit people who lose their accounts but wish to continue receiving FSFnet to do so. I also will be printing up issues using desktop publishing on the Amiga, and possibly including artwork. Of course, because postage isn’t free, I will have to charge postal subscribers a distribution fee, which will basically cover postage and printing costs. At this point the costs of postal subscriptions is unknown, and I’ll be setting up a policy regarding them in the next few weeks. If you are about to lose your account, and are interested in a postal subscription, you might drop me a mail file with your postal address, and I will forward you the information as soon as I get it all ironed out. I will also be announcing the official policy in FSFnet, for those of you who might be interested.


Well, that’s all the news for now. Remember, if your account is going away, please drop me a line so I can remove you from the distribution list. Now, on to the issue!

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