Series Page

Stories in the series "A Matter of Faith"

# 1: A Matter of Faith Part 1

By: | DargonZine 15, Issue 3

Lev had smelled the sea all morning, leading up to when the group of Cyruzhian monks he travelled with reached Dargon. It was nearing mid-afternoon and pouring rain when the brothers came within sight of the ducal seat. Water smote Lev on the head like pebbles dropped from a tree and dripped down his hood in front of his face. Despite the thickness of the black cloak he wore, he was soaked to his very bones; such was the intensity ... [ Read More ]

# 2: A Matter of Faith Part 2

By: | DargonZine 15, Issue 4

Lev prodded a mud-covered pig with his walking stick and with a squeal it scurried away from the gutter in which it had been so interested. Now that the swine was out of the way, Prior Yaroslav was able to kneel down next to a man propped up against a timber-framed house. The alley in which he lay reeked of excrement.   "Thank, you, Lev," Yaroslav said as he placed a hand on the man's shoulder. The man's skin was clammy and ... [ Read More ]