Glossary Entry
This is a DargonZine glossary entry. Below is information on the item including its description, stories in which it appears, and curator information. To see more glossary items, visit our Online Glossary page.
Type: RACECurator: John White
A secretive race who live in tune with the Dances of Thyerin. The
Araf are blue-haired and ruby-eyed, slow-living and slow-feeling.
- the Treasure 3 in FSFnet
9-2 Passing reference - Conflict of Interest 2 in DargonZine
3-2 Passing reference - Campaign for the Laraka 1 in DargonZine
3-8 Passing reference - Shadowstone 1 in DargonZine
9-2 Kimmentari decides to act on the dream she has been having. - Shadowstone 3 in DargonZine
9-4 Kimmentari confronts her cousin Olmehri and reminds her of the cost of using the Shadowstone. - Shadowstone 4 in DargonZine
9-5 Kimmentari provides some cryptic advice to the Raiders, and then joins in the final assault. - Dancing in DargonZine
19-5 Passing reference - For Want of a Nail... in DargonZine
19-9 Passing reference - Five Days in Winter - Part 1 1 in Dargonzine
25-3 An Araf adopted Nestor and raised him as one of her own children. - Insecurities in DargonZine
27-4 Passing reference.