Glossary Entry
This is a DargonZine glossary entry. Below is information on the item including its description, stories in which it appears, and curator information. To see more glossary items, visit our Online Glossary page.
Realities of Myths, The
Type: BOOKCurator: Public
Author: Bistra. How myths and legends compare to real life.
- Unlikely Partners 1 in FSFnet
11-2 Quoted in the story. - Unlikely Partners 2 in DargonZine
1-1 Stolen for Kera and Rien. - Dragon Hunt 3 in DargonZine
2-4 Quoted in the story. - Materia Medica 2 in DargonZine
3-4 Passing reference - the Bronze Horseman 2 in DargonZine
3-9 Deven copies this book.