Online Glossary

Glossary Entry

This is a DargonZine glossary entry. Below is information on the item including its description, stories in which it appears, and curator information. To see more glossary items, visit our Online Glossary page.

Description Head of the Order of Galicia.
  • Inquiries in DargonZine 1-1 Communicates magically with Celeste.
  • the Game Begins in DargonZine 2-1 Calls a Conclave.
  • Conflict of Interest 1 in DargonZine 3-1 Issues the order to assist Tarn, Julia and Justin to escapee from Myros' castle
  • Conflict of Interest 2 in DargonZine 3-2 The Primus communicates with Celeste and uncovers evidence implicating Myros