Online Glossary

Glossary Entry

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Kent, Victor
Description Born in 988, son of a merchant. In 1005 signed onto a packet ship as a galley hand. In 1011 was given command of a bark for the Fifth Eye, but gave it up the following year to be First Mate on legendary Captain Smith's last voyage in the Victory Chimes. When Smith decides to stay in Bichu, he gives Kent both ownership and captaincy of the Victory Chimes, and Kent returns with her to Dargon.
  • Legend in the Making in FSFnet 8-3 Gives up his first command to be first mate on the Victory Chimes, learns of Captain Smith's false legend, and is given command and ownership of the ship.
  • Worthy of the Title 2 in FSFnet 10-4 His ship the _Victory Chimes_ wins the race during Melrin
  • Storm Dancer in DargonZine 8-1 Passing reference
  • Cursed 1 1 in DargonZine 28-1 Reconciles with Cepero and aids in the fight on the island.
  • Cursed 2 2 in DargonZine 28-2 Steers the ship to the island and assists in the search for Perry.