Online Glossary

Glossary Entry

This is a DargonZine glossary entry. Below is information on the item including its description, stories in which it appears, and curator information. To see more glossary items, visit our Online Glossary page.

Description Tarrum, elevated to the rank of Master in the Stonemason's Guild in 799, had big ideas about what his guild could accomplish if only they discarded their out-dated and restrictive building codes, in favor of his own experimental results, ratified by the wizard Sarian, and realized in the annex to Lord Charil's residence (which was shortly thereafter destroyed by the owner, apparently gone mad) and the Headquarters of the College of Bards in Magnus. Sarian's disappearance after that (or perhaps some other realization) curtailed his dreams, and he followed the guild's guidelines thereafter.
  • For Want of a Nail... in DargonZine 19-9 Tarrum finds the battle between experience and ritual, science and superstition, is not as easy as he thinks