Glossary Entry
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Vladon, Sir Zephrym
Type: PERSONCurator: Public
Captain of King Caeron Tallirhan's house guard, lived during the time of the Great Houses War.
- The Great Houses War 1 in DargonZine
19-6 Escorts Queen Dara to Magnus when King Caeron Tallirhan goes there to make good his claim to the throne - The Great Houses War 2 in DargonZine
19-7 Fights alongside King Caeron Tallirhan in a number of battles, escapes Magnus with the Royal Family before the Battle Magnus - The Great Houses War 3 in DargonZine
19-8 Leads Queen Dara Tallirhan and Prince Brad away from besieged Magnus - The Great Houses War 5 in DargonZine
20-1 Held ransom by the insurrectionists - The Great Houses War 8 in DargonZine
20-4 Sir Zephrym teaches Queen Dara to fight. - The Great Houses War 9 in DargonZine
21-1 Sir Zephrym is a loyal supporter of Queen Dara Tallirhan