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Blortnikson, Aendasia
Type: PERSONCurator: Public
Empress Mother of Beinison at the time of the Great Houses War.
Married at a young age of Emperor Alejandro VII Blortnikson, she lived most of her life in Beinison, although she was born in Baranur.
As the favourite niece of King Stefan II Tallirhan, she was illegally designated his heir when he disowned Caeron Tallirhan after the latter's conversion to the Stevenic faith. When Emperor Alejandro died in 896 B.Y. and Aendasia's eldest son rose to the Beinisonian throne, King Stefan arranged for her to marry Valeran Northfield, ruler of the most powerful of the Great Houses of Baranur.
One of the major characters of the Great Houses War; she refused to recognize Caeron's coronation and proclaimed herself Queen of Baranur. Although living in Beinison at the time of Stefan II's death, she quickly rallied several of the Great Houses to her cause and marched into Baranur at the head of a professional Beinisonian army.
While not a warrior by profession, she learned the rudiments of armed combat and was toughened by the cruelty of Alejandro VII during her early years in Beinison. In battle she weilded a great two-handed mace fashioned to look like a sceptre.
At the time of the Great Houses War, she was in her mid-thirties but retained the health and beauty of youth. She was tall and athletic, with long blonde hair that was almost white.
- Eggs for Breakfast in DargonZine
18-7 Passing reference - The Great Houses War 1 in DargonZine
19-6 Referred to by Caeron in discussions with his lords; she opposes his coronation from afar - The Great Houses War 2 in DargonZine
19-7 Leads Beinisonian troops into Baranur; present at the Battle of Magnus - The Great Houses War 3 in DargonZine
19-8 Continues to wage war on House Tallirhan - The Great Houses War 4 in DargonZine
19-9 Continues to battle for the crown of Baranur in the Great Houses War; leads assaults on Magnus and Port Sevlyn - The Great Houses War 5 in DargonZine
20-1 Forces loyal to Aendasia lay seige to Dargon Keep and demand a ransom for Sir Zephrym Vladon - The Great Houses War 6 in DargonZine
20-2 Duke Valeran Northfield serves his wife Aendasia as she tries to claim the throne of Baranur, even as he longs to return to her. - The Great Houses War 7 in DargonZine
20-3 Troops loyal to her are intercepted by Baroness Galina Fennell near the village of Balkura - The Great Houses War 8 in DargonZine
20-4 Queen Dara's forces oppose Aendasia's claim on the throne of Baranur - The Great Houses War 9 in DargonZine
21-1 Leads the opposing faction to Queen Dara Tallirhan. - Ol Tamboch Narhin, Thread 4: Shaping Moonglow 4 in DargonZine
26-1 Empress Aendasia leads the invasion - Ol Tamboch Narhin, Thread 7: Far From Home 7 in DargonZine
27-3 Passing reference