Glossary Entry
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Finn, Dourgam
Type: PERSONCurator: Public
Dourgam is the son of a wealthy spice merchant from Pyridain who died during the Beinison invasion. He fled to Nulain where his repeated attempts to build a trade business like his father's are thwarted by the curse.
- Lost Opportunity, The 1 in DargonZine
18-3 The main character, Dourg struggles against the curse of Nulain and finds a statue, which is his greatest opportunity to overcome his hardship. - Liberated Hope 1 in DargonZine
18-3 Anarr browbeats Dourg for information about the area south of Northern Hope - Lost Opportunity, The 2 in DargonZine
18-4 Dourg attempts to make his life better