Glossary Entry
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Type: PERSONCurator: Liam Donahue
Secretary and bodyguard to Tyrus Vage. A skilled swordsman who can also read, write, and do math. He is a small, slender man with wiry muscles.
- Have You Ever Been to Northern Hope? 1 in DargonZine
18-2 Edril greets when Parris comes to visit Tyrus Vage - Have You Ever Been to Northern Hope? 2 in DargonZine
19-2 Edril accompanies his employer, Tyrus Vage, when Vage confronts Parris Dargon. - Have You Ever Been to Northern Hope? 3 in DargonZine
19-4 Edril and Sferina discuss the arrangement between Tyrus Vage and Parris Dargon. - Taking Root in DargonZine
20-1 Edril serves Tyrus Vage - The Path to Power in DargonZine
27-3 Tyrus Vage remembers being betrayed by Edril.