Online Glossary

Glossary Entry

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Claywall, Fennla
Description Daughter of Baron Claywall and heir to Hold Claywall. Ambitious and forceful, she insists that things be done her way, even when she may not be the best authority on how things ought be done. Succeeded her father in 1007 and married her eunuch, Daruk.
  • The Measure of His Love 1 in DargonZine 14-9 While assisting her father in preparing to annex nearby land, she is becomes upset when her movements are restricted following a border raid. To overcome these restrictions, she takes a mercenary as a bodyguard.
  • The Measure of His Love 2 in DargonZine 15-1 Fennla's callous ambitions are challanged by the love of her eunuch and threatened by attacks by her enemies.