Online Glossary

Glossary Entry

This is a DargonZine glossary entry. Below is information on the item including its description, stories in which it appears, and curator information. To see more glossary items, visit our Online Glossary page.

Claywall, Baron
Description An ambitious and cruel master over Hold Claywall. Having married into the position of baron, he rules in place of his feeble-minded wife. Desiring a more secure lineage, he has great plans to marry his daughter into another noble family. As such he is somewhat controlling in his relationship with her.
  • The Measure of His Love 1 in DargonZine 14-9 Driven by ambitions of power, he prepares to annex nearby villages, kidnapping Levy BareI and forcing him to make engines of war. He restricts the activities of his daughter, requiring that she travel only with a non-male bodyguard.
  • The Measure of His Love 2 in DargonZine 15-1 In an attempt to recapture an escaping Levy Barel, Baron Claywall has a nighttime encounter with a wolf pack.