Glossary Entry
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Dragon, Order of the
Type: GROUPCurator: Public
An order or warriors dedicated to the protection of Beinison. It normally falls under the command of House Quikuches
- Surfacing 2 in DargonZine
13-12 The Rithius family has close ties to this order. - The Measure of His Love 1 in DargonZine
14-9 Passing reference - The Measure of His Love 2 in DargonZine
15-1 Passing reference - The Great Houses War 4 in DargonZine
19-9 Several knights of this order serve in Aendasia Blortnikson's army - The Great Houses War 9 in DargonZine
21-1 The Knights of the Dragon serve Aendasia Blortnikson in the final battle of the Great Houses War