Glossary Entry
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Buzzard's Roost
Type: TAVERNCurator: John White
An inn established by Pyinalt at a busy crossroads somewhere around 120 BY. The crossroads seemed like an obvious place to build an inn, except that it wasn't in a convenient place to stop. If not for some drastic action by Pyinalt, the inn would have failed. Instead, it came to be part of the core of a slowly emerging town.
By 1013, the inn is part of a thriving town called Pyinalt's Crossroads.
- Talisman Four in DargonZine
13-5 This inn across from Eldirhan's smithy is mentioned several times. - Talisman Nine 2 in DargonZine
15-8 Aldan finds the Buzzard's Roost inn at the end of three sennights' travel - Talisman Nine 4 in DargonZine
15-10 Nakaz meets Aldan for the second time at the inn, and they discuss the future.