Online Glossary

Glossary Entry

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Night of Souls
Description A special date on the Dargon calendar. It is not a holy day, exactly, and it is not a festival day. It is observed on the night of Vibril 30th (the night before the first of Mertz) and optimistically marks the end of the season of winter, the dead, the sleeping and of nightmares. These things are not expected to yield gracefully to the coming of spring and life and on this night, they are understood to be out in especial force. Ghosts and ghouls roam the roads and spirits and dread trouble sleep. On this night, then, people gather together inside homes and around fires to watch in vigil against the Night of Souls. People may differ widely in how *necessary* they may think it is to stay inside and stay together, but most observe the form because it can be a social occasion if not a safety measure.