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Arvalia, Duchy of
Type: PLACECurator: Public
Duchy in northern Baranur. Hawksbridge is the ducal seat. Arvalia also has Baranur's only volcano, Mount Voldronnai. Other points of interest include Valdasly Keep, Charnelwood (the Darkling Forest) and the "Mighty" Ty, a fast flowing river. The Windbourne Mountains cut through Arvalia.
- Cydric and the Sage 5 in FSFnet
10-6 Passing reference - the Bronze Horseman 2 in DargonZine
3-9 Passing reference - Place Unto Wrath in DargonZine
6-1 ReVell and his knights consider what can be done if the war should come to Arvalia. - Vengeance is Mine... in DargonZine
6-4 Passing reference - Kidnapped 1 in DargonZine
7-3 Passing reference - Rifts in DargonZine
7-6 Passing reference - A Turn of Faith in DargonZine
10-5 Place where initial events happened - The Broken Staff 2 in DargonZine
11-2 Minor reference - On the Prowl 2 in DargonZine
12-5 Mentioned in passing; text in historical narration. - Cat's Cry in DargonZine
13-5 Passing reference - Loren Armare 1 in DargonZine
13-8 Passing reference - Loren Armare 2 in DargonZine
13-9 Passing reference - Loren Armare 3 in DargonZine
13-10 Passing reference - Talisman Nine 1 in DargonZine
15-7 The Reshilk family has ancestral ties to the land within the Duchy of Arvalia. - Talisman Nine 2 in DargonZine
15-8 Passing reference - Talisman Nine 4 in DargonZine
15-10 Nakaz and Aldan end up in Valdasly on their way to Dargon. - Talisman Nine 5 in DargonZine
15-11 Passing reference - The Great Houses War 2 in DargonZine
19-7 Troops from this duchy fight on the side of the insurrectionists against King Caeron Tallirhan during the Great Houses War - The Great Houses War 3 in DargonZine
19-8 Troops from this duchy fight on the side of the insurrectionists during the Great Houses War - The Great Houses War 4 in DargonZine
19-9 Passing reference - The Great Houses War 5 in DargonZine
20-1 Troops from Arvalia are part of the army that beseiges Dargon Keep - The Great Houses War 6 in DargonZine
20-2 Passing reference - The Great Houses War 8 in DargonZine
20-4 Passing reference - The Great Houses War 9 in DargonZine
21-1 Arvalia is divided and a new Duchy, Narragan is formed. - The Far Patrol in DargonZine
23-4 Passing reference - The Killing Time in DargonZine
26-2 Davris and Barin are from Arvalia