Online Glossary

Glossary Entry

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Rise'er's Feast
Description The punishment inflicted upon Prince Rise'er, ruler of the realm of Gil-Pazulryken. Rise'er was eternally damned for the rape, murder, and eating of thousands of peasants during the early years of the Fretheod Empire. He would have his soldiers round up all the useless, starving peasants (the absolute lowest of the peons), rape the women and castrate the men, kill them, and serve them for dinner at a royal feast. He is estimated to have murdered an average of twenty people per sennight for over three years. He repeats this action even in death. Experiencing fifteen or twenty years of this torture is usually enough to punish the most despicable of souls to the point of penance. (True repentance is the only way to leave Gil-Pazulyrken for the realm of Kisil-Doon.)