DargonZine F9, Issue 1

FSFNet 9-1 Editorial


Well, it’s been a full six weeks since the last issue of FSFnet was sent out, and I must apologize for that. I’m sure that many of you have been busy with returning to school, and things here in MAINE have been mighty hectic. We’ve recently installed a new 3090 CPU to replace the old 3033 and 4381 we were running in tandem previously, and the system is finally stable. The rumor that LISTSERV@TCSVM was shutting down its TCSSERVE subserver (which maintains a complete collection of FSFnet back issues) has proven to be a falsehood, although the shutdown of the WISCVM internet gateway in December is a confirmed problem for which the entire BITNET community is still searching for a solution.


However, I’m sure that you will find this issue well worth the anxiety of waiting. We have the announcement of the FSFnet science fiction short story contest, which should produce some interesting fiction, and which I hope many readers will take part in. We have a short story by Joseph Curwen that I’m sure you will find intriguing. And for Dargon Project offerings we have the third chapter in Carlo Samson’s “Cydric” tale, and a synopsis of John White’s stories (which will continue in part three of “Treasure” in the next issue). All in all, a respectable offering.


Due to the long wait between issues, we have nearly 50 new readers joining us for this issue, and I would like to thank them all for their interest. The next issue, Vol09N2, should follow this issue by no more than a week or two, and will contain the next installment of “Treasure”. If you aren’t caught up with White’s work, I would heartily suggest that you request from LISTSERV@TCSVM the back issues which contain his stories, as listed in his article below. Enjoy!

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