While there isn’t a great deal of news to report, that is most probably due to the fact that this issue is being sent out no more than a week after the previous issue. For the most part, the news which was reported in the xeditorial for 8-1 is still current. We are still working on getting a mailing out to prospective postal subscribers, which is late due to the fact that I exploded my printer in the heat of our apartment. I have received some responses from readers who will be attending Pennsic, and also some responses from FSFnet writers who will be there. The only truly new news is that there has been a change in issue naming conventions. All issues now have the filetype of VOLxxNy, where ‘XX’ is the volume number and ‘Y’ the issue number. This change has been made on files on LISTSERV at TCSVM and CSNEWS at MAINE as well. When requesting files from those sources, please be careful to get the proper filetypes.
In this issue we have part two of John White’s “Treasure” story which was begun in issue 7-5, and two short stories from two new Dargon Project authors, Ed Murphy and Becki Tants. The next issue, 8-3, should be out near the end of July or early August, and will contain some startling information, as well as the long-promised (but is it long-awaited?) “Legend in the Making” which I’ve tantalized you with since February!
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