Greetings and solicitations, all! First of all I’d like to welcome all the new readers, and thank the authors for their recent spurt of creativity. The next issue will contain several articles of interest, and should be out in early December. As for this issue, we have three Dargon stories. The first is a new character being introduced by Glenn Sixbury. The second is an entertaining short from Jim Owens. The third is the first half of an excellent story from John White, who insists on writing faster than I can edit. An excellent issue, and I hope you all enjoy it.
The only other matter I wish to bring up is reader feedback. Now, the authors have mentioned putting a LOC section in the zine, which I personally dislike, because it would mean less room for stories. However, the authors are interested in hearing what you think of their stuff. As a compromise, you can mail individual authors, or, if you wish to send a mailing to all Dargon authors, it is possible to send a mail file to DARGON-L@NCSUVM, and it will be distributed by the LISTSERV there to the Dargon authors.
But on to the real stuff…
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