DargonZine F5, Issue 3

FSFNet 5-3 Editorial


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the huge, wide, vast, double-sized issue of FSFnet! This is a very special issue, as we have some very special Dargon stories – the first stories from three new authors. The first tale introduces us to Kittara, and the events that surround her arrival in Dargon. The second story is part 2 of Joel Slatis’ Ceda story (which is, for now, unrelated to the Dargon project). The third yarn is part two of my own tale about Kite and Pecora, and their time of trial. And the issue ends with a king-sized epic by John White, introducing us to Je’en, a very captivating and deep character who also has been seen hanging around Dargon Port.


I will cut this short, due to the size of this issue, and simply state the things I always seem to be saying in these editorials: welcome to the new members; spread the word to your friends about FSFnet; if you want to write, mail me; and, finally, enjoy!

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