Well, I told you that 5-2 would be right on the heels of 5-1! Had it not been for the fact that our 3705 burned in flames, this file might have actually made it on time! As for 5-3, Jeanne Dixon has said that it will be out the second weekend in August, so watch your reader queues!
Actually, to tell you the truth, we’ve managed to lure three unknowing and unsuspecting amateur authors into the Dargon Project, and they’re cooking up stories faster than I can print them! 5-3 is actually all set to go out, save that I have to finidh writing *my* story for that issue! And it promises to be an excellent issue, with stories from myself and each of the three new authors. But I’ll let you wait for that.
This issue contains the beginnings of two serials, one a Dargon story (my own, in three parts), the other an unrelated piece by Joel Slatis, one of the three new authors. Stuffed in around the edges are a short story by Ovis, another new author, and part two of Rich Jervis’ “Spirit of the Wood”. Two other points and then on to the issue. Firstly, due to extremely poor timing, the day I sent out FSFNET 5-1, the userid of one of the contributors changed. If you are interested in contacting the person who was advertising the national gaming organization, the userid is now C4898002@UMSLVMA, rather than S4898002. Or was it the other way round? Finally, I’d like to welcome the new members, and remind everyone once more to keep spreading the word about FSFnet. It is, as I’ve been saying all along, your zine, not mine. Enjoy!
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