DargonZine F10, Issue 6

FSFNet 10-6 Editorial


Shifting uncomfortably before his terminal, the young man tentatively taps out a sentence, then pauses. Minutes pass before another coherent thought is slowly composed, worded, and dedicated to phosphor and magnetic media. After several moments of careful contemplation, he uses the block delete feature of his editor to remove the text, and begins again. The ritual begins yet again, perhaps the fifth time today. For the editor of a magazine, there is no feeling quite the same as when he views an empty editorial page with nothing to say. An editorial column is an opportunity to communicate directly with your readership, to share your opinions, your plans, and a little of yourself, with people who share the same interests. Yet it is also an intimidating thing, because there is a responsability to inform and be entertaining to the reader, not merely pontificate.


After having considered many topics that might be of interest, I remain at a loss. After all, how interesting would an editorial be if it went into detail describing the geogrpaphical distribution of its readership, or mentioned that there is, on the average, approximately two readers per node? And I certainly need not mention the coming of springtime or impending finals, or that this will be the last issue in Volume 10 before the summer volume begins. I have similarly been unable to shift my responsabilities onto other parties, after having no response to an offer to Dargon authors for a ‘guest editorial’ column. Well, luckily for me, we have plenty of good fiction in this issue, and there isn’t room enough for a more substantial editorial. I am quite sure that the two excellent stories in this issue will go over very well (hopefully better than the editorial, I’m sure).


The figure rests his head in his hands and takes a beep breath. He pauses, then reluctantly exits the editor. Now begins the process of sending the issue out, which although tedious, at least doesn’t require any amount of creativity…

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