DargonZine F10, Issue 3

FSFNet 10-3 Editorial


Well, we’ve got a couple bits of news to relate, so let me jump right into that. Firstly, there is now an open discussion group for FSFnet readers on the network server CSNEWS@MAINE. Please feel free to read and/or submit your comments to this group, as it’s primary purpose is reader feedback. Please note that CSNEWS will ONLY accept commands via interactive messages; do NOT send mail files to it, as they will be discarded. Also note that the subscribe functions will subscribe you to the FORUM, not to FSFnet itself. The following are some commands you might find useful in checking out this forum. Request the CSBB HELPNET file for details on how to append to it. SENDME CSNEWS HELPNET – sends you general CSNEWS help file SENDME CSBB HELPNET – sends you CSBB bbs help file SENDME FSFNET CSNOTICE FROM CSBB – sends you the current discussion CSBB SUBSCRIBE FSFNET – subscribe to FSFnet discussion CSBB UNSUBSCRIBE FSFNET – unsubscribe from forum


The other bit of news is that plans are being made for my eventual graduation. After some discussion with the authors, the current plans are for the following. While FSFnet will stop being produced, the Dargon Project will continue, and the stories it produces will be made public through a new magazine (possibly dedicated solely to the printing of Dargon stories). FSFnet will stop publication during the summer, and the new magazine will begin at that time. Further details are still up in the air, but I will continue to post news here about what is going on, and how things will change when I leave. But we’ve still got several more issues to send out before then, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy this one. And, of course, if you have anything you’d like to submit for printing, get in touch with me. Enjoy!

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