DargonZine F10, Issue 2

FSFNet 10-2 Editorial


Greetings, all. This issue is dedicated to the conclusion of John White’s “Treasure” series. This epic series of stories began in the summer of 1986 with John’s first Je’en story, “A New Life”, and continued with several other tales, leading up to the four-part concluding tale “The Treasure”. The “Treasure” stories have appeared in issues Vol07N5, Vol08N2, Vol09N2, and concludes here in Vol10N2. I definitely suggest that anyone who isn’t up to date on John’s works go back and request the back issues. I would like to express my thanks to John for contributing this huge collection to FSFnet, and my hopes that he will continue to produce fiction for FSFnet.


As you may notice, this is a particularly large issue of FSFnet, however it was necessary that I fit the conclusion of “Treasure” into one issue. For our new readers, this is most definitely not a typical issue. This will be the last issue of FSFnet entirely dedicated to one story, and all future issues will contain several shorter installments rather than one large one. And those of you who have kept up with the Je’en storyline are in for quite a treat!

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