DargonZine 8, Issue 3

Dargonzine 8-3 Editorial


It’s always interesting meeting people whom you know only over the Internet. I recently had the pleasure of playing host as two of the project writers came to Boston to visit. Jon Evans came up from Washington DC for a day, and Carlo Samson flew in from Chicago and stayed for an entire week. I’d met both of them before, but they hadn’t met one another, and a great deal of fun was had by all. Textual travelogues and JPGs of our vacation pictures can be obtained via anonymous ftp from ftp.shore.net in the /members/ornoth/ directory.


The other big news this time around is that both DargonZine and I will be undergoing a change of network address in the very near future. In addition to continuing our current services, we’ll also be creating a significant WWW home page. Watch this space for more details!


This issue highlights several of our new writers. We begin with Arthur King’s “A Sunny Day in Firil”, which I’m sure you’ll enjoy. It introduces us to a carriage driver and takes place almost a year after the Baranur/Beinison war leaves Dargon in chaos. Some fan mail would encourage him to get part two written soon.


Our second story is “Swordmay”, by James Bayers. It’s a short vignette about a swordsman and a challenge he must overcome.


The third story is the first installment in Mike Schustereit’s “Rogue’s Gambit” series, which depicts a band of outlaws fleeing Beinison during the height of the war in the south.


Our last story is the first part in Rogers Cadenhead’s “The Dwarf”. Rogers appearred in DargonZine 7-6 with “Endgame”, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy his new story. I’m anxiously awaiting the next installment, which Rogers hopes to have ready for the next issue. (No ETA on the next issue yet, though.)

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