DargonZine 26, Issue 2

Dargonzine 26-2 Editorial

In light of recent storms and tornadoes cutting their destructive path through country, and the losses of families, homes, and properties, I would like to send the Project’s sympathies and best wishes out to the survivors.


As I started thinking about that concept, I also started thinking about all the other tragedies happening around the world, whether they are natural or directly caused by man. It is wrong to only be concerned with the United States’ issues here: we are an international group. The Dargon Project may be composed of American citizens primarily, but we have almost always had an international mix, and our readership is global. One of our newest authors – still working on getting up to speed in Dargon – is from Singapore, and another is from England; Scotland is home to former author Stuart Whitby; Portugal is heritage to Vic Cardoso, who tried for years to get us to Summit there (I’m still up for that, Vic!) and Nick Wansbutter is Canadian.


This Project was not founded on a narrow perspective of the world, even though we typically write in what is effectively a near-Renaissance European setting. Our aim has always been to include anyone who wants to write with us – within the strictures of a shared setting – and not limit ourselves to a single perspective. So let me revise my first line, above: the Dargon Project extends its sympathies and best wishes to the families of the tragedies that are occurring around the world, and we hope that you come through them healthy and whole.


This issue features two stories that came out of last year’s Summit Challenge. (I’ll talk more about the Summit next issue.) Liam Donahue presents The Killing Time, and Joe Carney brings us For a Slice of Apple Pie. Sit back and enjoy the reading.



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