DargonZine 24, Issue 3

Dargonzine 24-3 Editorial

The end of the year is upon us. It is a time of giving, a time of reflection on the past, and commitments for the future. And in the past two years, DargonZine has progressed wonderfully. This will be our eighth issue published in exactly 2 years, sticking to a quarterly schedule. We have had stories published by our longest-running authors, as well as our newest, up and coming authors. And there has been a complete re-design of the website, providing a rebirth of our visual image on the internet. The last two years have been exciting.

Equally exciting, for me, is the future of the zine. There is a series of stories coming out by one of our long-standing authors that I am very eager for you all to read. We also have drafts in the making from six or seven other authors, and the possibility of 2012 and 2013 being some of the most productive years we’ve had in recent history. There’s a great deal of fiction, and some really wonderful stories lined up for the future.

Now in the spirit of giving, let me give you introductions for the two stories coming to you in this issue. Jim Owens, one of our most senior authors, returns again this issue with A Woman, Waiting. It’s an everyman story about choices and family. Meanwhile, Woodsong comes to us with his first Dargon story, Redale’s Shore Leave. This is a great character piece about sailors and magic, and weaves some wonderful Dargon city elements into the tapestry. So sit back, relax in the holiday vacation, and enjoy some good fiction coming your way. -Jon

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    Victor Cardoso

    Three cheers for the new visual look!

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