DargonZine 24, Issue 2

Dargonzine 24-2 Editorial

The city of Dargon has always been thought of, by the authors, as a somewhat rough region. It’s a backwater town located hundreds of leagues (miles) from the capital city of Magnus. As the northernmost point on the continent, and protected by the Darst Range of mountains, it is difficult to access by both sea and land. As such, The Law is a combination of both the King’s Rule, and what men make of it. This image is not necessarily portrayed in every story we tell. There is a large swath of material regarding Dargon as a not too terrible a place to be. Sure, some bad things happen … fires, causeway crumbling, even enemy armies invading … but the town and the denizens of Dargon seem fairly nice.

Well, Victor Cardoso aimed to correct that. He issued a writers challenge to our intrepid little group asking us to tell stories that show just how dangerous the town of Dargon could be. Several of us liked the idea, and what you have in this issue is two of the stories that have come from that challenge. I should also mention that Victor issued that challenge in January, and first drafts were due in March. For Dargon writers, that’s pretty fast turn around.

This issue is also being released during and after the arrival of Hurricane Irene, predicted to be one of the worst storms on the east coast of America in over 20 years. I wish everyone — even those not in Irene’s path — good health and safe harbor during this time. I hope this issue can give you something to read and pass the time while we’re shut in and hiding from the storm. This issue features two stories along the theme mentioned above, the first of which is from one of our premier authors, Jim Owens, and it is titled A Slight Danger.  The second is my own effort, titled The Lie.  So sit back, stay out of the weather (unless it’s lovely where you are), and enjoy!


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