Welcome to Dargonzine’s new website! As you can see from the “Pardon Our Dust” post to the left it is still very much a work in progress. Or, if you’re reading this editorial as part of a full-text email or RSS feed of this issue, you have no idea what I am talking about, and might feel inclined to scroll right past this to get to the great new stories in this issue. If that’s the case, I would encourage you to visit our new site at www.dargonzine.org. In either case, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge Victor Cardoso’s hard work in dragging us kicking and screaming into the current decade (thanks, Victor!) and begin the grand tour.
The first thing you’ll see is that there are no more issue pages. The current issue will always be front and center on the home page. There are some important links to the right, and some other recent stories off to the left. You can find older stories in the DZ Archive, using the link above. The transfer process is still going, though, so if you don’t find the story you are looking for there, there’s a link from that page to our old back issues page. You may notice in the new format that the hyperlinks to the Dargon glossary are no longer included in the stories. Never fear, you can find the full list of Dargon things in each story in a column to the right, with links to our glossary of over 3600 items. In fact, moving our stories to the new format will create glossary links even for our old stories which were published without hyperlinks (yes, we pre-date HTML).
I’ll leave it to you to explore the rest of the site, because I’m sure that you are tired of reading about HTML and want to get to the new stories in the issue. If you run into any problems on the site, or would like to provide feedback (positive or negative), we would love to hear from you. Please simply post a comment to this editorial, or send an email to dargon@dargonzine.org.
Now, on to the stories. First up, we have Facing Fears by long-time author Jim Owens, and first-time author Naomi Owens. This tale links closely with the story Fears by Dafydd Cyhoeddwr, which appeared in Dargonzine 19-8. There’s also Undercurrents, a short tale by Rena Deutsch, which continues the adventures of Nilson from Rena’s Uprooted in DZ 21-3.
We hope you enjoy.
– L
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