DargonZine 17, Issue 3

Dargonzine 17-3 Editorial


This editorial will be short, since this issue is packed to the limit with the finale of Dafydd’s five-year, thirty-eight chapter Talisman novella. Huge congratulations to him for this massive achievement!


The only other bit of news is that unless circumstances change, our next issue will begin the 24-chapter story arc that we began writing at the 2003 Dargon Writers’ Summit.

However, there will be a gap before DargonZine 17-4 comes out, while we get everything ready to go. At present, we have seven chapters ready to print, four in second or later drafts, seven more in first draft, and six which have not yet been written. We need to finish all the first drafts and have a couple more stories completed before we can begin printing them, so it will be a few months before you hear from us again. However, during that time we will regularly update our Web site’s What’s New and Publication Schedule pages, so go there to find out the latest scoop.


The story arc is going to be the biggest and most cohesive collaboration in our 20-year history, so I think you’ll find it worth staying around for. In the meantime, enjoy this month’s conclusion of the Talisman epic. If you haven’t read all the past Talisman chapters, I’d encourage you to check them out. They’re all listed on Dafydd’s Author Bio page. That’ll give you plenty of reading material to hold you over until our next issue comes out!

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