DargonZine 15, Issue 5

Dargonzine 15-5 Editorial


Unlike last month, when I had to fill you in on all the details of our most recent Writers’ Summit, there’s really no pressing news to talk about this month. Sure, I could prattle on about how significant it is that this issue contains our 350th Dargon story, but after 18 years, talking about such milestones starts getting redundant. Or I could manufacture some topic of discussion and use this space as my personal soapbox to disseminate my views.


However, this month I’ll be lenient and limit myself to simply introducing the contents of this issue. We begin with the continuation of P. Atchley’s “Malice” series, which I’m sure you’ll find engaging. That is followed by the first half of Nicholas Wansbutter’s “A Matter of Pride”, which continues to follow the hero of his first series, “A Matter of Honour”, printed in the first half of 2000 (DargonZine Volume 13). The issue is completed with the second chapter in Rena Deutsch’s “Spirit of a Woman”, which began earlier in the year.


And looking forward, we’ve already begun putting together our next issue, which will continue the “Malice” and “A Matter of Pride” series. You can expect it to be distributed over the weekend of August 11th. So hopefully we’ll see you again in just three weeks!

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