DargonZine 13, Issue 7

Dargonzine 13-7 Editorial


Welcome to DargonZine 13-7! In this issue, we continue two stories that were begun in our last issue: Mark Murray’s “Magestorm”, and Dafydd’s long-running “Talisman” epic.


If you’ve read the Editorials in our last two issues, it won’t come as a surprise to you that we’ve now given you, the reader, the ability to “rate” every Dargon story you read. In our past two issues we piloted this feature, and response was pretty favorable. Now, at the end of the Web version of every story that we print, you’ll find a sidebar that gives you the option of telling us whether you liked the story or not. This now appears in all of the back issues that we’ve converted to HTML, and it will also appear in all future issues! By rating each story, you’ll help us learn what you like, so that we can in turn write better stories. Please take the time to check out this new feature, because it’s a quick and easy way for you to tell us how our writers can get better at what they do!

Finally, since that’s all the news I have, I’ll end this Editorial with a quick reminder that we need you to help spread the word about DargonZine. While we may be the longest-running zine on the Internet, we’re very strictly noncommercial and don’t send out spam or spend any money on advertising. Instead, we rely almost entirely on our readers to let other people know about DargonZine. So if you know of someone who would enjoy the huge quantity of great fiction that we provide, please let them know about our site. That’s all!

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