I hope you read and enjoyed our last issue … because if you haven’t, we’re doing our best to build up a stack of reading material for you!
This issue follows our previous issue, DargonZine 13-11, by an unusually brief two weeks. Why? Well, part of the reason is that we simply have enough material to put out another issue, so why wait? Another reason is that we’re anxious to print stories from the two writers who appear in this issue: one of them is our third new writer of the year, and another one is returning from a short hiatus. But the real reason for the hurry is because we have the opportunity to bring you a record thirteenth issue before the end of the year, featuring two more great writers whose names you haven’t seen in a while.
Our first story is from P. Atchley. Despite having been with the project since January, “Chains of Freedom” is her first appearance in the magazine. However, you can look forward to seeing more of her work in coming months, as she’s currently working on a three-part collaboration with Rhonda Gomez, and another three-part storyline of her own.
The other story in this issue is Bryan Read’s sequel to his first story, “Surfacing”, which appeared in DargonZine 12-7 nearly 18 months ago. Bryan left the project for about half a year while acclimating to a new job, but returned in July. He is also currently working on another chapter of Willis Rithius’ story, which will follow this issue’s “Surfacing 2”.
And as I said, you can look forward to one more issue before the end of the year: Volume 13, Number 13. It should be arriving in your mailbox in the usual four to six weeks. After that, and our usual brief pause over the holidays, we’ll begin our seventeenth year of publishing on the Internet with another batch of new stories. I hope you’re keeping up!
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