DargonZine 11, Issue 8

Dargonzine 11-8 Editorial


Welcome to the second half of our special two-issue writing contest blowout! As I described in the Editorial for DargonZine 11-7, the DargonZine writers recently concluded a contest where each submission had to include the manifestation of a comet in the skies over Dargon. These stories are now seeing print, and this issue contains the best of the best!


When the stories were completed and the voting among the writers was tallied, there were two multi-part storylines that stood well above the rest: new Dargon writer Stuart Whitby’s “A Spell of Rain” took winning honors, and Dafydd’s “For Bronna” was runner-up. I am pleased to be able to print the climactic episodes of both of these stories in this issue. However, I strongly encourage you to refer back to the previous chapters and read these stories from their beginnings, to appreciate the tales these two writers have woven. At the beginning of each story are pointers which will tell you which issues those previous episodes appeared in.


And while you’re looking up those back issues, be sure to check out our previous issue, DargonZine 11-7, for even more contest stories! And rest assured that there are still more coming in future issues.


In addition to the two contest winners, this issue also brings you Mark Murray’s contest entry, “The Fire that Binds”, which is another vignette in his longstanding story arc about Raphael and Megan.


That’s all the news there is this time around, but be on the lookout for DargonZine 11-9, coming in early November, and expect to see more significant changes in our Web site in the next couple months.

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