Because DargonZine is still primarily distributed by email, we can’t make issues any bigger than 100k, since many email systems will reject files which exceed that size. In fact, there are some mailers (the most notable being juno.com) who will not accept mail larger than 64k! For that reason, we consider 100k to be a hard limit, and we will not produce issues which, when emailed, exceed 100k.
Well, we had to use a shoehorn, a liberal amount of KY, and a jackhammer to fit the following three stories into this issue and stay within our self-imposed 100k limit. In fact, things are so tight that there’s really no room to say anything more in this editorial!
But never fear! Whenever we have enough material, even though we can’t print larger issues, we’ll produce more frequent issues, and that’s what you can look forward to, as DargonZine 11-3 is already rolling inexorably toward a distribution date in mid-April!
So enjoy this issue, and I’ll see you then!
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