DargonZine 10, Issue 6

Dargonzine 10-6 Editorial


Keep it brief.

Well, the biggest news since our last issue has been an update to the Subscriptions section of our Web site. Not only can new subscribers sign up online, but existing subscribers can now change their email addresses and subscriptions types, and even sign off (heaven forbid!) online, without human intervention. So if you ever need to change your subscription to DargonZine, the Web site is now the first place to look!


The only other announcement is that our next issue, which is due out before the end of October, will be a special issue, devoted to Dargon’s dread “Night of Souls”. Be watching for that one — we hope you’ll like it!

But for now, we’ve got the second installments of Alan Lauderdale’s “Quadrille” series, as well as Jim Owens’ “Pudlong” series. These stories are accompanied by the first installment of Mark Murray’s “Friendships of Stone” series.


That’s all for now, but keep your eyes peeled for our next issue, as the “Night of Souls” approaches!

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