DargonZine 2, Issue 3

Dafydd’s Amber Glow Dargonzine 2-3

This will be very short. First, I will apologize to you loyal (and brand new) readers for the long wait between Issue 2 and Issue 3 of the second volume of DargonZine. The fault is purely mine, not our writers: my job has been rather hectic of late and I just couldn’t find the time to put out an issue.


Second, this is a second call and a confirmation for the DargonZine T-Shirts, which feature an artist’s rendition of the Title figure of the ‘Zine. All of those readers who ordered a shirt many moons ago, please get in contact with Rish again. Anyone wishing to order a shirt, please also contact Rish, who is the instigator and coordinator of this aspect of the Project. They cost $8 at last estimate, and final plans will be set two weeks after the date on this issue: if there aren’t enough orders by then, he may have to scrap the idea as unfeasible at this time. Rish can be contacted at <C78KCK@IRISHMVS.BitNet>.


Thank you, and good reading.

Dafydd, Editor DargonZine

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