Online Glossary

Glossary Entry

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King's Bench
Description The Court that handles especially heinous and treasonous crimes, that would otherwise be dealt with by the king himself. Clerks of the Court of the King's Bench investigate and persecute such crimes so the king will not be forced to spend all of his time dealing with such matters. Clerks of the King's Bench represent his justice in every duchy in Baranur. Formed into a regular court of justice with its own experts and judicial commissions by King Caeron Tallirhan. Under earlier kings, it had been a more nebulous affair.
  • A Matter of Honour 1 in DargonZine 13-2 Passing reference
  • The Great Houses War 1 in DargonZine 19-6 One of the first of King Caeron Tallirhan's acts as king is the reform of this court
  • The Great Houses War 4 in DargonZine 19-9 The justiciar of Magnus for this court issues a warrant for the arrest of Aendasia Blortnikson