Online Glossary

Glossary Entry

This is a DargonZine glossary entry. Below is information on the item including its description, stories in which it appears, and curator information. To see more glossary items, visit our Online Glossary page.

Description Melajoof is a fast-talking con man who lives and works in Sengintol, in Gerolevan Kingdom. He operates a shop called Klenjol's Superior Trinkets which, while something of a liability to someone in his trade, also has its benefits. At least, until a pair of twins try to get some recompense for a failed purchase.
  • Talisman Two 1 in DargonZine 12-11 Melajoof's less-than-completely-honest business practices come back to haunt him.
  • Talisman Two 2 in DargonZine 12-12 Passing reference
  • Talisman Ten 3 in DargonZine 17-3 Passing reference